Research as Scrutiny. Our most demanding issues are aesthetic issues.


  • Rob van Gerwen Utrecht University (Editor-in-Chief)



urgent problems, metaphysics, aesthetics, art


Certain art theorists think of what artists do as artistic research. But research is fact- and theory-driven, whereas when a film is being made what directors do is scrutinise what they see happening before their eyes. This scrutiny is guided by aesthetic judgement, individual style, and subjective intuition. It makes good sense to investigate the research that went on before a work was made, and to look at the theoretical implications of that work. But the most important work to be done is our paying attention to the scrutiny that went on during the work's actual creation. The importance and meaning of art are in the artist's scrutiny.


Aristotle. n.d. (1965). On the Art of Poetry. Penguin Books.

Bourdieu, Pierre. 1990. The Logic of Practice. Translated by Richard Nice. Polity Press.

Gerwen, Rob van. 2018. Shall we stay in touch. How we remove the mind from our world view. (In Dutch, Zullen we contact houden. Hoe we de geest uit ons wereldbeeld verwijderen.). Utrecht: Klement.

Husserl, Edmund. 1970. The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology. Northwestern University Press.

Matravers, Derek. 1997. “The paradox of Fiction: The Report versus the Perceptual Model.” In Emotion and the Arts, edited by Mette Hjort and Sue Laver, 78–94. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Savile, Anthony. 1982. “Sentimentality.” In The Test of Time, 236–50. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Wollheim, Richard. 1993. “Pictorial Style: Two Views.” In The Mind and its Depths, 171–184. Cambridge (Mass.), London (England): Harvard University Press.




How to Cite

van Gerwen, Rob. 2020. “Research As Scrutiny. Our Most Demanding Issues Are Aesthetic Issues”. Aesthetic Investigations 3 (2): i-v.