"The New World": Heideggerian or Humanist Cinema?


  • Britt Harrison York University




Heidegger, Philosophy Without Theory, Cinematic Humanism, Terrence Malick, The New World


I offer a new Heideggerian reading of Terrence Malick’s 2005 film The New World, in the style of film-philosophy, alongside a contrasting Cinematic Humanist encounter. I consider if the former is a theory-involving example of philosophy of film, and whether a positive answer to this question entails the latter must be also. I argue that the whilst both engagements with the film use the work of other philosophers as part of their appreciation, Cinematic Humanism nonetheless remains one of many possible ways of doing philosophy of film without theory. Having compared these two methods, I suggest reasons why there is nonetheless a potentially valuable relation to be had between philosophy of film with and philosophy of film without theory. Close attention is paid to the film throughout.


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Philosophy of film without theory

How to Cite

Harrison, Britt. 2020. “‘The New World’: Heideggerian or Humanist Cinema?”. Aesthetic Investigations 3 (2): 200-227. https://doi.org/10.58519/aesthinv.v3i2.11936.