Adapting Classical Restoration Concepts in Moving Image Restoration and the Role of Digital Techniques


  • Julia Wallmüller Deutsche Kinemathek



Film, Moving images, Aesthetics, Restoration, Ethics


Ethical and aesthetic guidelines in the field of moving image restoration have been adapted from classical restoration theory. Focusing on film but valid for moving images in general, the article provides definitions of relevant terms and discusses ethical criteria for restoration and their adaptability for moving images. Mainly the claim for authenticity in restoration opens a wide field of discussion, starting from the question about what is authentic about film. The perception of moving images and the components their aesthetic value is build upon have a great impact on restoration interventions. Digital restoration tools and digitization have gained importance during the last years. While providing a wide field of new solutions, their seemingly endless range of possibilities has lead to a revival of the discussion about ethical and aesthetic aspects in moving image restoration.

Author Biography

  • Julia Wallmüller, Deutsche Kinemathek
    Film Restorer

    Film Archive


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How to Cite

Wallmüller, Julia. 2019. “Adapting Classical Restoration Concepts in Moving Image Restoration and the Role of Digital Techniques”. Aesthetic Investigations 2 (2): 144-62.