The aesthetics of garden conservation


  • Mateusz Salwa Institute of Philosophy, University of Warsaw (Poland)



garden, environment, conservation, aesthetics


The aim of the article is to discuss two theories of garden conservation. The difference between them lies in how they conceive of gardens and consequently what values they find worthy of protection. The ‘idealistic’ theory treats gardens as cultural objects similar to other works and demands that the form originally designed should be restored. The ‘materialistic’ theory claims that gardens can be only  conserved because of their processual qualities. The goal of conservation is then not to set back the garden process or stop it, but to keep it on and direct it. The author’s contention is that the latter theory is better because it corresponds with what gardens are, namely natural environments arranged by humans. This definition of a garden is discussed in the first part of the article.

Author Biography

  • Mateusz Salwa, Institute of Philosophy, University of Warsaw (Poland)

    Department of Aesthetics, assistant professor


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How to Cite

Salwa, Mateusz. 2019. “The Aesthetics of Garden Conservation”. Aesthetic Investigations 2 (2): 163-83.