Façadism, Building Renovation and the Boundaries of Authenticity


  • Evangelia Kyriazi University of the Peloponnese




conservation, urban environment, architecture, buildings, historic preservation, facadism


The paper presents the history and trends of façadism, with examples from around the world, including a case where the State intervened for the suspension of façadism plans after alarmed academics referred to the Supreme Administrative Court. The different practices and scopes of façadism are presented, along with the views of its supporters and adversaries. Issues of authenticity arising from façadism interventions are discussed.  Answers on whether building renovation through façadism consists of cultural preservation practice and preservation of the authenticity of a place, are sought in internationally accepted cultural heritage policy documents. These may provide solutions that could assist countries and institutions to make the right decisions regarding the conservation of architectural heritage, and confront extreme façadism practices through planning programs, legislative measures and education.

Author Biography

  • Evangelia Kyriazi, University of the Peloponnese

    PhD researcher


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How to Cite

Kyriazi, Evangelia. 2019. “Façadism, Building Renovation and the Boundaries of Authenticity”. Aesthetic Investigations 2 (2): 184-95. https://doi.org/10.58519/aesthinv.v2i2.11967.