Introducing a painter's opinion into the discussion about visual perception and painting


  • Madina Ziganshina



self-awareness, perception, vision, phenomenology, realist painting


The artistic vision and artistic painting have been a topic of numerous discussions in phenomenology and neurosciences. I will try to introduce the painter´s opinion, which I have gained through practice, into the discussion. I’ll be aiming at: distinguishing the painting experience from the painting observation experience; distinguishing vision from cognition; and the manifestation of the visible on the canvas. I also propose the possibility of gaining a dignifying awareness of the self and of the perception through the painting, for both the painter and the observer.


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Author Biography

  • Madina Ziganshina

    Madina Ziganshina, painting artist, resident in Portugal, obtained a MA in Contemporary Artistic Studies at the University of Aveiro, bachelor in Stage Design acquired at the Academy of Fine Arts of Saint-Petersburg (Russia). Frequently exposes in Portugal and abroad. Initiator of ART-MAP moving curatorial project, organizes exhibitions for international artists in Portugal. Keeps a painting atelier and gives classes of oil painting.

    Born: Kazan, 15 March, 1986.



    2015 - Master of Arts, Contemporary Artistic Studies, University of Aveiro, Portugal;

    2010 ‐ Bachelor degree in Stage Design, St. Petersburg Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, Russian Federation;

    2006 ‐ Professional degree in Fine art and pedagogy, Kazan Art College, Russian Federation.




    Upcoming: Organization of the Exhibition ART-MAP2016, Ponte de Lima, Portugal;

    2015 ‐ Organization of the Exhibition “A Poética do Visual” ART-MAP, Aveiro, Portugal;

    2014 ‐ Artistic Residency “Vitral”, Cultural Center of Gafanha da Nazaré, Portugal;

    2010 ‐ Coordinator of the International Collective Art Exhibition “Athens Art 2010”, Center of Arts 4 Seasons “Technopolis”, Athens.



    2016 ‐ Individual Exhibition Gamlastan Gallery, Eskelstuna, Sweden;

    2016 ‐ Individual Exhibition, Disha, Aveiro, Portugal;

    2015 ‐ Individual Exhibition “Expositie 2”, Gallery Rosarta, Rotterdam, Holland;

    2015 ‐ Individual Exhibition “God´s Own Dance II”, Muthappan Festival, Dubai;

    2014 ‐ Individual Exhibition, Disha, Aveiro, Portugal;

    2015 - Collective Exhibition “100 Jahre Schwarzes Quadrat von: Kazimir Malevich 10 Künstler x 10 m² Kunst”, Galerie Seidel, Koln, Germany;

    2015 ‐ Individual Exhibition “God´s Own Dance”, Brushman´s Gallery, Kannur, India;

    2015 ‐ Collective Exhibition “Pasternak”, Galerie Seidel, Koln, Germany;

    2014 ‐ Collective Exhibition “Premio de Pintura Emilio Ollero 2014”, Jaen, Spain;

    2014 ‐ Individual Exhibition “Portrait”, Disha, Aveiro, Portugal;

    2014 ‐ Individual Exhibition “Aveiro de Antigamente”, Museum of the City of Aveiro, Portugal;

    2013 ‐ Collective Exhibition “Die Bunte Brucke”, Kunsthalle Lindenthal, Koln, Germany;

    2013 ‐ Individual Exhibition “Aveiro em Azul”, Disha, Aveiro, Portugal;

    2013 ‐ Individual Exhibition “Expositie”, Gallery Rosarta, Rotterdam, Holland;

    2013 ‐ Individual Exhibition “Aveiro, Veneza de Portugal”, Disha, Aveiro, Portugal;

    2013 ‐ Collective Exhibition "ArtPul”, Pulheim, Germany;

    2012 ‐ Individual Exhibition "Cores de Arouca", Municipal Library of Arouca, Portugal;

    2012 ‐ Institutional Project and Individual Exhibition “Reflections”, Cultural Center of Gafanha da Nazaré, Portugal;

    2012 ‐ Collective Exhibition “Form Art”, Kunstverein Glinde e.V. Germany;

    2011 ‐ Individual Exhibition "Inspired by Sweden", AllaGallery, Stockholm, Sweden;



    2013 ‐ Certificate of Participation Abel Manta Painting Prize, Abel Manta Museum, Gouveia, Portugal;

    2012 ‐ Certificate Honorable Mention "Jovem Criador Aveiro2012" Aveiro, Portugal;

    2012 ‐ "City Scapes" with comments from the jury 3nd award and Honorable Mention category award, Leading Artists Premiere Gallery, see ;

    2012 ‐ The Artistic Circle Foundation 1st Award "Healing Art 2" The Artistic

    Circle: Foundation. see http://www.the‐artistic‐ ;

    2012 ‐ "EWNS Art Project" award. see ;

    2012 ‐ Gratification Letter For participation in Annual National Saint‐Petersburg Festival “Дом Семьи Россия” “Winter Studium”, Saint‐Petersburg, Russia;

    2010 ‐ Gratification Letter for Participation in Art Project in The Russian Museum, Saint‐Petersburg, Russia.






Arts & Artists

How to Cite

Ziganshina, Madina. 2017. “Introducing a painter’s Opinion into the Discussion about Visual Perception and Painting”. Aesthetic Investigations 2 (1): 58-66.