From mistake to event

Poor images for transforming the everyday of displacement


  • Breogán Torres Gutiérrez University of Santiago de Compostela



reality, poor image, landscape, Everydayness, no budget


This Arts & Artists contribution addresses the concept of `poor image', coined by the German artist Hito Steyerl. I intend to link it with the development of artistic practices based on the use of ordinary materials and images, which are not created with the pretensions of becoming artworks but as a result of a social context. For this, I will delve into the ability to speculate with alternative scenarios in the work of authors such as Jon Mikel Euba or Erlea Maneros Zabala, but I will also review my own activity as an artist. In fact, more than simply describing the use of poor images, I propose to relate them to a situation of displacement: my own, living in Sweden but researching the minoritization of Galician culture in Spain.


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Castaño, Jesús. 2020. Entrevista: Asier Mendizabal. Accessed: 28th December 2024.

EITB Kultura, prod. 2020. Norusta. Erlea Maneros Zabala. Accessed: 28th December 2024.

García Espinosa, Julio. 1976. Por un cine imperfecto. Madrid: Miguel Castellote, D.L.

Massey, Doreen. 2005. For space. London: SAGE Publications.

Revista Mercurio. 2023. Jon Mikel Euba: todo está por hacer. Accessed: 24th December 2024.

Steyerl, Hito. 2011. “In Free Fall: A Thought Experiment on Vertical Perspective.” Accessed: 28th December 2024, e-flux Journal (24).

---. 2012. The Wretched of the Screen. Berlin: Sternberg Press.

Zhangke, Jia. (2003) 2010. The Age of Amateur Cinema Will Return. Translated by Yuqian Yan. Accessed: 28th December 2024.




How to Cite

Torres Gutiérrez, Breogán. 2024. “From Mistake to Event: Poor Images for Transforming the Everyday of Displacement”. Aesthetic Investigations 7 (1): 46-57.